Swimmers view

Swimmers view
Sea Leopard - swimmers eye view

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Kamil Nesa Alsaran - Successful Solo Channel Swim - 4th September 2012

Report by Stu Gleeson.
0200 meet. Usual pleasantaries & introductions of crew/observer to swimmer & supporters before setting off to Samphire Hoe.  The night is calm & still. Swim recorded as starting at 0315. Kamil took a while to settle into a comfortable position next to the boat & changed sides. Swimming either side makes no difference to me as pilot, but it is useful for the swimmer to be able to breath both sides so that the full advantage of the boat can be used: it provides shelter from the wind & the bright sunshine (not a concern until sunrise & only on some days in the UK).
Entered Sou'West lane at 0600, leaving it at 0813 to enter Separation Zone. Some fog patches today. A few bottlenose dolphins swim close to Kamil & the boat. Kamil seems happy enough. French inshore waters at 1320. Good encouragement from his wife for a big push across the shallows makes for a happy beach landing in 13hrs & 19mins.
Well done Kamil.

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